Heath Ledger 2.0

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When I was younger, I must have heard hundreds of times that I resemble a legend like Heath Ledger or actors like James Franco. How it would be if Heath were still alive and how he would look now, it’s hard to say. However, after watching the film “I am Heath Ledger,” my close friends told me that, appearance-wise, okay, but in terms of personality, we are absolutely identical. Strong words, I know, but when I saw it myself, I teared up, I was shocked, I couldn’t understand it… but it is what it is. And that’s why my self-portrait is called Heath Ledger 2.0, this whole thing is a longer and stronger story… It’s a powerful tale. And thank you for buying my work.

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More information about the prints can be found here: vzduch.art/prints

PS: For orders from around the world, I recommend sending them without a frame; for the Czech Republic and Europe, on the contrary, I recommend sending them with a frame and preferably a personal meeting.